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All posts in "AI"

The Octagon – Gluware (Full Episode)

Published 3 years ago in AI , Gluware - 0 Comments

Gluware claims their version of Intelligent Network Automation is the right solution for today’s new normal. CEO Jeff Gray and VP of Product Marketing, Michael Haugh come into The Tech Fugitives Octagon and try to convince us….and YOU that they’ve got the right formula. We will See.


The Tech Fugitives Octagon is a paid engagement by the IT Supplier. The supplier has the right to NOT allow the episode to be aired. Whether the engagement sees the light of day or not, The Tech Fugitives get paid.

Mark & Kyle aren’t out to make any Enterprise IT supplier look bad, but we will ask the tough questions. The episode is not scripted, but rather follows an agenda provided by the supplier. Our cut out discussion within the episodes are not scripted, nor does the supplier have any editorial control over those discussions.


Episode 119 – Interview with Anamita Guha of IBM & AAAS If/Then Ambassador

Published 4 years ago in AI , Crypto , IBM , ONUG , Quantum Computing , Uncategorized , Watson - 0 Comments

It was great catching up with Anamita, one of the coolest people we know at IBM. Check out her great work in support of young girls and STEM…. follow her on twitter @anamitag .

Also learn all about her work for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), as an If/Then Ambassador.


Episode 85 – Interview with Hypergiant Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, John Frémont

We discuss the past, present and future of Artificial Intelligence with industry leader, expert and entrepreneur, John Frémont. John was very candid about the opportunities as well as the competition in the space.

We definitely enjoyed (as we always do) waxing philosophical. John did a great job as we hovered over the “trough of despair”. He wasn’t scared one bit and is HUGELY optimistic. We hope he’s right!

Come watch and/or listen and find out why Tech Talk doesn’t have to SUCK!

Special Thanks to our Sponsors:


Episode 84 – The Polar Vortex, Business, Batteries & Boy Bands

Published 5 years ago in AI , Apple , Azure , China , ConRes , Facetime , FireEye , Iran , JEDI , Oracle , Pivocity , Russia , ServiceNow - 0 Comments

Chang’e 4 wakes and Yutu 2 stretches its solar panels for another day… on the friggin’ moon .

Polar vortex: Your phone’s battery will die if it’s too cold out…

Oracle keeps bangin’ their head….with a gavel…

Azure…Soooo…about your data….uh….yeah….

ServiceNow and the consumerization of employee tech…

Facetime bug…They messed with the wrong Texan… *

The One Hundred MELLION faces of IBM…

Cyber threat intelligence for China, Rusia, Iran & Korea…

FireEye Report on Iran… Goodness…


Episode 77 – Interview with Hypergiant s

The Tech Fugitives have a great visit with Dave Copps of Brainspace fame.  We explore his newest project, Hypergiant Sensory Sciences and the state of AI …. around the world.

I love that Dave’s educational background is Industrial Anthropology.  He is uniquely qualified to dish on AI philosophical as well as technical!

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