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Episode 52 – Defcon…Feel the Fear and Log in Anyway

Published 5 years ago in Amazon , Apple , AWS , Bitcoin , Defcon , Google , Oracle , Security - 0 Comments
Reading about hacks at Defcon is starting to feel a bit like watching Jaws trailers.  It’s fascinating, but you’re pretty sure someone’s getting eaten….whole.  The Tech Fugitives cover some of the more interesting hacks.
We also discuss:
Employee burnout…suck it up, cupcake!
How Google maps rebrands neighborhoods.
Dropbox disses Linux users
Oracle Foul Plan?
Headline dolts misrepresentin’
….And here’s why we know they’re wrong…
Amazon signs longer term deals
What does an IPO mean if you’re communist China

Episode 50 – AI Breakdowns and Red Mercury…mmmmmm.

Artificial Intelligence is obviously getting better, smarter, faster.  But there are some … uh… glitches.
Amazon Rekognition “accidentally” matched 28 lawmakers to mugshots…Heh!  AND……Watson also given a black eye by the haters.  Watson AI fed bad data….C’mon people!!
We also discuss:
Amazon rolls out LOTR spinoff…. We can’t WAIT!
Python’s awesome…blah, blah, blah
More Kickass ways that Crypto fails
This just in…The Russians may not be our friends
Facebook plunge
Prime Day
Bombs in the cloud
IBM launches BlockChain trial for financials

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]

Episode 34 – Enter The Tech Fugitive Phishing Tournament, Win Big Prizes!

Published 6 years ago in Amazon , Apple , Oracle , Security - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Mark’s biting, so send in a thumb drive loaded with malware and a label that’s sure to lure him in. 

Security peeps….do you like a challenge.  Send the Tech Fugitives a thumb drive with your funniest, most alluring label.  Here’s the “catch”…we want the thumb drive loaded down with the most heinous malware ya’ got!  Best entry wins limited edition swage!  Send thumb drives to PO Box 270032, Flower Mound, TX 75027-0032.  Judges decisions final.  Thumb drives will NOT be returned.

We also discus:

Elon Musk Party balloons.

The Blue Tick and other super heroes.

Oracle chest thumping.

Apple’s self driving car patents.


Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]
