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All posts in "Microsoft"

Episode 81 – Top Ten Tech

  • Amazon is working on a video game streaming service, like Netflix but for video games, according to a new report in The Information.
  • Amazon’s competition at Microsoft and Google are already openly preparing similar services.
  • And Sony is out ahead of everyone else: The company has been operating the PlayStation Now streaming service for years.

Palo Alto storage software startup Rubrik has inhaled $261m in an E-round of funding, taking its total funding to north of $553m and giving it a $3.3bn valuation.

A third individual holding the title “cluster information security officer,” was found to be “unsuitable for the role” and has been demoted and re-assigned.

Using a classic tactic to undermine data security as it moves across the web, hackers have grabbed sensitive data like login credentials and business details from telecoms, internet service providers, government organizations, and other institutions in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and North America. FireEye researchers say the targets and types of data stolen are consistent with Iranian government espionage interests—and that whoever is behind the massive assault now has a trove of data that could fuel future cyberattacks for years.

A third individual holding the title “cluster information security officer,” was found to be “unsuitable for the role” and has been demoted and re-assigned.

Using a classic tactic to undermine data security as it moves across the web, hackers have grabbed sensitive data like login credentials and business details from telecoms, internet service providers, government organizations, and other institutions in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and North America. FireEye researchers say the targets and types of data stolen are consistent with Iranian government espionage interests—and that whoever is behind the massive assault now has a trove of data that could fuel future cyberattacks for years.


Episode 66 – AT&T’s Massive Internet Outage. Expect Birthrate surge, July 2019

Published 5 years ago in AI , AT&T , ATT , Censorship , China , JEDI , Microsoft , VMWare - 0 Comments

In addition to ATT debacle, we also discuss MIT’s sweaty wad of cash and why China is the biggest threat to Intellectual freedom.
The Schwarzman College of Computing is intended to be “an interdisciplinary hub” for work in computer science, artificial intelligence, data science and related fields. The research conducted there will focus on breakthroughs in AI, as well as its ethical applications.
The biggest Social Engineering op in the history of forever

Episode 51 – Oracle, I don’t Like Your Stupid Cloud ANYWAY!

Published 5 years ago in AI , Amazon , Bitcoin , China , Hack , Microsoft , Storage , Virtual Reality - 0 Comments
Amazon will Spend 60 Million dollars this year with Oracle.  But that won’t stop Ellison from dissing the Hyper Juggernaut.  Amazon can’t do without Oracle, he claims.
Nonetheless, Ellison will sit at the Kids table and he will like it.
We also discuss:
Never…ever taunt the hackers….ever.
Microsoft fiddles with the storage bits.
Solid state heaven for Netapp & Pure:
Gaming…VR Gaming….YES!
We cover China Ban list… Yes, The Tech Fugitives are on it.

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 50 – AI Breakdowns and Red Mercury…mmmmmm.

Artificial Intelligence is obviously getting better, smarter, faster.  But there are some … uh… glitches.
Amazon Rekognition “accidentally” matched 28 lawmakers to mugshots…Heh!  AND……Watson also given a black eye by the haters.  Watson AI fed bad data….C’mon people!!
We also discuss:
Amazon rolls out LOTR spinoff…. We can’t WAIT!
Python’s awesome…blah, blah, blah
More Kickass ways that Crypto fails
This just in…The Russians may not be our friends
Facebook plunge
Prime Day
Bombs in the cloud
IBM launches BlockChain trial for financials

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]

Episode 46 – The Amazon Workers UNITE!!! Soft Serve in the Cafeteria?

Published 6 years ago in Amazon , Microsoft , Robots , Security - 0 Comments

Amazon workers take a page from the Google employee handbook….and Robots….always Robots!

We also discuss:
Holy DC exposure Batman!
Clumsy robots can’t grab human jobs just yet…. ? oh really?
Microsoft is Amazon’s favorite Poaching Ground:
Intel’s next CEO will inherit Fallout from Meltdown & Specter:
Will Amazon be broken up?

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 37 – The Big Short’s Steve Eisman channels the Tech Fugitives.

Published 6 years ago in AI , Elon , Google , Microsoft , Security , Uncategorized - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Eisman bags on Crypto… makes someone’s day….guess who?

Mark also teases his groundbreaking overview of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing.

We also discuss:

Elon Makes excuses, but we agree with him.

Microsoft’s Nadella tries to earn our trust:

The Secrets to a better password.  Pro Tip: It’s not you’re boy/girlfriend’s dog’s birthday.

Big announcements from Google & Microsoft:

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]

Episode 30 – Don’t let your Technical Debt leave you Emotionally Bankrupt!

Published 6 years ago in Agile , Facebook , IoT , Microsoft - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Did you take out a second mortgage on your Cobal code so you could fix your plumbing?

Long standing enterprises are wrought with baggage.  Some of that baggage has so much technical debt that it might just be easier to move.  Listen to reason and listen to the Tech Fugitives help you spot your technical debt and what to do about it!

We also discuss:

How deep does this hole go?….and other Zuckerberg musings.

Dropbox’s sweaty wad and their future….according to Mark!

Meltdown & Spectre….the dumbest, most useless bugs to never be solved.

Microsoft has so much money for IoT, they don’t know where to put it all.


Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]
