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All posts in "IoT"

Lost Episode #3: Interview with Greg Ferro, Founder of Packet Pushers

Published 3 years ago in 5G , Cloud , Gluware , IoT , ONUG - 0 Comments

The very definition of why Tech Talk does NOT have to Suck.  Mark Tierney and Kyle Scarmardo have a blast getting to know Greg.Mark gets schooled on 5G and we talk DPU’s…. But not before we take a shot at Cloud AND Enterprise sales…. Sooo much fun!


Episode 81 – Top Ten Tech

  • Amazon is working on a video game streaming service, like Netflix but for video games, according to a new report in The Information.
  • Amazon’s competition at Microsoft and Google are already openly preparing similar services.
  • And Sony is out ahead of everyone else: The company has been operating the PlayStation Now streaming service for years.

Palo Alto storage software startup Rubrik has inhaled $261m in an E-round of funding, taking its total funding to north of $553m and giving it a $3.3bn valuation.

A third individual holding the title “cluster information security officer,” was found to be “unsuitable for the role” and has been demoted and re-assigned.

Using a classic tactic to undermine data security as it moves across the web, hackers have grabbed sensitive data like login credentials and business details from telecoms, internet service providers, government organizations, and other institutions in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and North America. FireEye researchers say the targets and types of data stolen are consistent with Iranian government espionage interests—and that whoever is behind the massive assault now has a trove of data that could fuel future cyberattacks for years.

A third individual holding the title “cluster information security officer,” was found to be “unsuitable for the role” and has been demoted and re-assigned.

Using a classic tactic to undermine data security as it moves across the web, hackers have grabbed sensitive data like login credentials and business details from telecoms, internet service providers, government organizations, and other institutions in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and North America. FireEye researchers say the targets and types of data stolen are consistent with Iranian government espionage interests—and that whoever is behind the massive assault now has a trove of data that could fuel future cyberattacks for years.


Episode 75 – You’re Passport Data are Belong to Us. Thank you for Staying at Marriott.

Also Amazon breakup predictions…. Chair, John Clayton “He said the exchanges that cryptocurrencies trade on are still to prone to manipulation, and there aren’t enough safeguards for custody of the underlying assets. again, China attempts to take away our god given right to be jackasses.

Governments around the world have been willing to spend a fortune on iOS malware. Saudi Arabia paid $55 million to purchase iPhone malware made by NSO Group

  • Six former Facebook employees who left the company within the last two years told CNBC they’ve experienced a rise in contact from current company employees to inquire about opportunities or ask for job references.
  • The shift in behavior comes as Facebook deals with scandal after scandal while seeing a nearly 40 percent drop in its stock price from a peak in July. Copps new deal
  • In terms of sheer numbers, Marriott’s breach stands out at affecting 500 million people.
  • The companies’ financials are unlikely to take a substantial hit with cyber insurance coverage in place, but its reputation could pay a price.
  • Investors will be asking: How could their security tools have missed a massive four-year-long hack? Did the company do the right due diligence during its 2016 merger with Starwood?
  • In terms of sheer numbers, Marriott’s breach stands out at affecting 500 million people.
  • The companies’ financials are unlikely to take a substantial hit with cyber insurance coverage in place, but its reputation could pay a price.
  • Investors will be asking: How could their security tools have missed a massive four-year-long hack? Did the company do the right due diligence during its 2016 merger with Starwood?

Amazon u


Episode 54 – Future Cities, LLC Partners Pete DeNagy & Mark Caracio

Today’s guests are Marc Caracio, President & CEO of The Harvard Group and Pete DeNagy, President and Co-Founder of IoT America.  Marc & Pete are also Founding Partners of Future Cities, LLC.  Future Cities holds “Smart Cities” events in the USA which gathers municipal IoT stakeholders, Federal and State policy advocates, as well as academic and industry thought leaders to address critical Smart Cities topics like Smart Grid, Smart Building, public Safety and Cyber.

Today we explore the future of IoT in both rural and urban environments.  We talk about the applications in Smart Grid, Smart Buildings, Cyber and (of course) Public Safety.

To learn even more about this topic, Register for their next event at

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 53 – Crypto Crash. Who Knew? The Tech Fugitives Knew

Published 5 years ago in 5G , AI , Bitcoin , China , Chipsets , Hack , HPE , IBM , IoT , Network , Security , Storage - 0 Comments

In addition to some crazy crypto news, China threatens to enforce their cybersecurity standards amid trade war disputes.  By “cybersecurity standards” they mean…hand over your source code.
We also discuss:
HPE COTS in Space
Tesla goes it alone on AI chiptech
IBM’s Storage Menu
IoT WAN Tech

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 49 – TJ Kennedy, Co-Founder of The Public Safety Network & Former President of FirstNet

Published 5 years ago in 5G , Cybercrime , FirstNet , Government , IoT - 0 Comments

Our 50th Episode!!!  Incredible interview with thought leader in public safety technology, TJ Kennedy.

TJ gives us the incredibly important context and beginnings of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet).  TJ’s background as an actual first responder AND executive made this a blockbuster interview.  We discuss:
  • How the tragedy of 9/11 put the spotlight on technical gaps for first responders.
  • The evolution of FirstNet and the value it delivers.
  • How all government agencies can take advantage of these new solutions.
  • How the Public Safety Network is pushing the technology to the next level.

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 30 – Don’t let your Technical Debt leave you Emotionally Bankrupt!

Published 6 years ago in Agile , Facebook , IoT , Microsoft - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Did you take out a second mortgage on your Cobal code so you could fix your plumbing?

Long standing enterprises are wrought with baggage.  Some of that baggage has so much technical debt that it might just be easier to move.  Listen to reason and listen to the Tech Fugitives help you spot your technical debt and what to do about it!

We also discuss:

How deep does this hole go?….and other Zuckerberg musings.

Dropbox’s sweaty wad and their future….according to Mark!

Meltdown & Spectre….the dumbest, most useless bugs to never be solved.

Microsoft has so much money for IoT, they don’t know where to put it all.


Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]
