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All posts in "Security"

Episode 74 – Meet Maxxsure Co-Founders Srik Soogoor & Shawn Wiora

The Tech Fugitives explore cyber & organizations risk with Maxxsure.  This company is defining

 “A Lifestyle of Risk Awareness”

Learn more about Maxxsure at and mention the Tech Fugitives Show for a free consultation.


Brought to you by ConRes.  ConRes has the experience, the partnerships, and the flexibility to deliver technology solutions customized to meet your needs.  Visit them at




Episode 53 – Crypto Crash. Who Knew? The Tech Fugitives Knew

Published 5 years ago in 5G , AI , Bitcoin , China , Chipsets , Hack , HPE , IBM , IoT , Network , Security , Storage - 0 Comments

In addition to some crazy crypto news, China threatens to enforce their cybersecurity standards amid trade war disputes.  By “cybersecurity standards” they mean…hand over your source code.
We also discuss:
HPE COTS in Space
Tesla goes it alone on AI chiptech
IBM’s Storage Menu
IoT WAN Tech

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 52 – Defcon…Feel the Fear and Log in Anyway

Published 5 years ago in Amazon , Apple , AWS , Bitcoin , Defcon , Google , Oracle , Security - 0 Comments
Reading about hacks at Defcon is starting to feel a bit like watching Jaws trailers.  It’s fascinating, but you’re pretty sure someone’s getting eaten….whole.  The Tech Fugitives cover some of the more interesting hacks.
We also discuss:
Employee burnout…suck it up, cupcake!
How Google maps rebrands neighborhoods.
Dropbox disses Linux users
Oracle Foul Plan?
Headline dolts misrepresentin’
….And here’s why we know they’re wrong…
Amazon signs longer term deals
What does an IPO mean if you’re communist China

Episode 46 – The Amazon Workers UNITE!!! Soft Serve in the Cafeteria?

Published 6 years ago in Amazon , Microsoft , Robots , Security - 0 Comments

Amazon workers take a page from the Google employee handbook….and Robots….always Robots!

We also discuss:
Holy DC exposure Batman!
Clumsy robots can’t grab human jobs just yet…. ? oh really?
Microsoft is Amazon’s favorite Poaching Ground:
Intel’s next CEO will inherit Fallout from Meltdown & Specter:
Will Amazon be broken up?

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 44 – Docker, The One Ring to rule them All? We still have time for Fallout 4 and Bitcoin.

Published 6 years ago in AI , Blockchain , Docker , Kapersky , Security , Space - 0 Comments

Docker making bold moves to with Enterprise Edition.  Can it be the One Ring to Rule them All.  We’ll ask Kubernetes.

We also discuss:
The images for the new Fallout look incredible.
Mars Opportunity needs solar panel wipers.
Those crazy Russians and their “Security Software”.
China will chip all your cars.  Why…. Screw you, that’s why!
X-Ray WiFi …. GREAT!
Finally some competition for NVidia… We’ll see.
Docker Hub…. We’re here to mine for YOU!!


Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 43 – Interview with IBM’s Charles Henderson, Global Managing Partner of X-Force Red

Published 6 years ago in IBM , Security , X-Force Red - 0 Comments

X-Force Red.  Sure, they will break thru building security AND your code, but it’s cool…They get PAID to do it.

Listen to Charles Henderson weave thru the human nature components of security exploits.

We learned about “cover stories”, how to “counter accuse” and why having a “good” corporate culture can actually be a threat vector!

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 37 – The Big Short’s Steve Eisman channels the Tech Fugitives.

Published 6 years ago in AI , Elon , Google , Microsoft , Security , Uncategorized - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Eisman bags on Crypto… makes someone’s day….guess who?

Mark also teases his groundbreaking overview of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing.

We also discuss:

Elon Makes excuses, but we agree with him.

Microsoft’s Nadella tries to earn our trust:

The Secrets to a better password.  Pro Tip: It’s not you’re boy/girlfriend’s dog’s birthday.

Big announcements from Google & Microsoft:

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]

Episode 36 – Tech Fugitive Fan Hacks Someone Out Of Jail… Almost.

Published 6 years ago in Akamai , Cybercrime , Facebook , Pivotal , Security , Whatsapp - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  When your BFF doesn’t get locked up with you, the next best thing is to use computer hacking skills to bust you out!

In addition to Prison (and security) breaches…today The Tech Fugitives bring you more China lunacy.  Their latest victim… Peppa the Pig, Thug life!

We also discuss:

Zuck’s now in trouble in the UK.

Whatsapp founder leaves FB.

Pivitol goes public.

Akamai beats the street.

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]
