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All posts in "Storage"

Episode 29 – The Government, Amazon Cloud & Facebook…. They’re all just here to help!

Published 6 years ago in Amazon , AWS , Cisco , Facebook , Government , Storage - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast, where we just invented cameras specifically designed to watch your phones & XBox.

The Government is here to help…of course.  But just to be sure, we’ll have Amazon and Facebook get involved just to keep the Government in check!

Jeff Bezos is now in charge of House Griffendorf.

Cisco Disaggregates their software from Hardware.

Also: GoDaddy moves to AWS, Microsoft opens AI training….and uh…. Africa is splitting in two!

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 25 – IBM Think 2018. Interview with Eric Herzog, IBM’s CMO & VP for Global Storage Channel.

Published 6 years ago in IBM Think 2018 , Storage - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  IBM Think 2018…It’s not all about Hawaiian shirts and Storage, but don’t tell that to Eric Herzog.

Our second installment from IBM Think 2018 is a deep dive into IBM Storage Strategy with CMO, Eric Herzog.  Eric has a frenetic and engaging personality.  This is a fun and informative interview!

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]



Episode 11- Artificial Intelligence, “Pure” Expert Review

Published 6 years ago in AI , Chipsets , Storage - 2 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Mark & Kyle have played with the AI topic…This time we’re not kidding around…well….uh….too much.

The Tech Fugitives explore Artificial intelligence with Roy Kim, an expert and product lead from Pure Storage.


There’s nothing more fun than talking about killer apps and killer robots, but the serious side of AI is so compelling that the Fugitives have brought in a real expert.  Roy Kim, with Pure Storage, helps us explore the technical and philosophical side of AI.  This is NOT just a Storage discussion, so open your hearts and open your minds to The Tech Fugitives

Hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.


Episode 8 – Interview with Infinidat CTO, Brian Carmody

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Kyle and Mark talk Enterprise Storage with Infinidat CTO, Brian Carmody.

Exa, Zeta, Yottabytes of data to store?  You’re gonna need a bigger boat.

So the CIO tells you to stand up a storage solution that will hold all of the data in the universe.  Wait…did He say universe or multi-verse?  Size does matter.

Infinidat CTO, Brian Carmody, talks mission, disruption and Reptilians from Alpha Draconis…Hey, they have storage needs too.



Today’s episode is brought to you by Disrupt or Die: What the World Needs to Learn from Silicon Valley to Survive the Digital Era .

Delphix Founder and Author, Jedidiah Yeuh, provides the innovation playbook you need transform your business.

Hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.


Episode 4 – Interview with Nasuni CEO, Andres Rodriguez

Published 7 years ago in Storage - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Today Kyle and Mark deliver on their promise to bring you in depth interviews with Storage Supplier Execs.  Under the hot lamp for questioning today…. Andres Rodriguez, CEO of Nasuni.  Fresh off of a $38 Million dollar round of funding thru Goldman Sachs,  Andres is clear on his vision and what’s happening in Storage.

Life is Good, When you’re The Most Interesting Man in Storage…

Andres has done more than turn a glass of wine into a beer.  He’s turned his vast experience from the NY Times and elsewhere into a powerhouse storage company.  Consider these highlights:

  • Philosophy has roots from Akamai
  • New approach to iNode structures
  • Kyle has WAFS and Legend of Voltron flashbacks
  • Andres makes bold stability claims…forces The Fugitives to invoke required sacrifices to Problem Management gods.

Finally, Andres’ answer to Mark….No, Nasuni is NOT just the next hill to die on.  You should be dying to listen to The Tech Fugitives, so get started now.

We hope you’ll have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.


Episode 1 – Enterprise Storage Landscape Discussion

Published 7 years ago in Storage - 0 Comments
Image of a confused llama and a landscape behind it surrounded by pictures of storage technologies around it

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Today Kyle and Mark take a look at the confusing landscape of Enterprise Storage.  There are so many technology and locality options, but are suppliers doing a good enough job helping navigate these waters?  The answer….NO!!  But the TechFugitives are here to sort this out and prepare our listeners for future interviews with Industry experts.  We’re going to cover topics like data protection, dark data, and more, so STAY  TUNED!

Dark data…It’s not just for Data Scientists anymore!                               

Picture of a cemetery with a computer and flowers in front of it

Will hard disk drives and tape move on like CRT monitors?

If you think data analytics is hot, just wait until your business customers start “sprawling” their junk all over the cloud, or your data warehouses…..or your cloud data warehouses.  Kyle covers the dangers of data sprawl and the gravity that it encompasses.  Mark chimes in with his own views regarding chain of ownership and the potential compliance and regulatory risks.  There might be an unfortunate reference to Anthony Weiner and Data Sprawl… explanation necessary.

Never to be left on the back burner, the Tech Fugitives also give data protection it’s due.  Data Protection in the future will (and needs to) change dramatically.  Will Enterprises embrace their options, drive down their costs and improve their services.  Perhaps understanding their options will help, but for now, the jury is still out.

Thanks for tuning in.  Stay tuned for our future episodes where we will be interviewing industry experts on both the supplier and Enterprise IT sides of the topic.

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.

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