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Episode 5 – Enterprises with Baggage

Published 6 years ago in Enterprise Transformation - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Today Kyle and Mark talk IT Enterprises with baggage.  Is moving off of the old and onto the new like labor pains?  How hard can it be….really?!  (Please don’t tell our wives we said that!).

Rowing in the same direction….It always ends well in the movies


Elon Musk brings the smackdown to Tesla stores.  Kyle and Mark discuss the importance of vision, clarity and leadership in making difficult transitions and setting the tone at your firm.  It does take some courage and a little bit of vulnerability to put yourself out there.  But it’s critical that your management team has all oars in the water and pulling in the same direction if you want to achieve “ramming speed”!


Is there a best approach to eating a whale?  It turns out there IS!  You don’t have to  run a Cutthroat Kitchen to serve this IT delicacy, but you might need to marinate it overnight before your Agile fibonnaci scores are tender.

The Fugitives take a look a some enabling technologies which might help you with your luggage.  Is Scale Computing’s HC3 Cloud Unity the porter you’ve been looking for?  Is this and similar offerings from Nutanix simply showing THEMSELVES the door.

We hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

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