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All posts in "Google"

Episode 52 – Defcon…Feel the Fear and Log in Anyway

Published 5 years ago in Amazon , Apple , AWS , Bitcoin , Defcon , Google , Oracle , Security - 0 Comments
Reading about hacks at Defcon is starting to feel a bit like watching Jaws trailers.  It’s fascinating, but you’re pretty sure someone’s getting eaten….whole.  The Tech Fugitives cover some of the more interesting hacks.
We also discuss:
Employee burnout…suck it up, cupcake!
How Google maps rebrands neighborhoods.
Dropbox disses Linux users
Oracle Foul Plan?
Headline dolts misrepresentin’
….And here’s why we know they’re wrong…
Amazon signs longer term deals
What does an IPO mean if you’re communist China

Episode 48 – Amazon Wiped out Billions

Published 6 years ago in AWS , Azure , Google , IBM - 0 Comments

Amazon wipes out billions in value while Cisco and Azure wipe out their platforms.

We also discuss:
Azure Shuts down the data center…to save it.
IBM Slashes cloud prices…. 3 times in ONE week.
Dell Maneuvers
Google Browser warning

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 47 – Bezos can now get his pills for FREE!

Published 6 years ago in Amazon , AWS , Bitcoin , Cisco , Google - 0 Comments

The Amazon Juggernaut continues its push, While IBM tells it’s employees to act “Normal”.

We also discuss:
Feds ran a bitcoin laundering sting.

Google Home Outage/Carnage

Pizza party at Tintri

Kubernetes V1.11….Meh!
The latest breakdown on hyper-converged  market
Amazon Alexa on your iPhone…better than Siri?  How hard could it be…really?

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]

Episode 45 – The War on Elon Musk and in other news Intel, Google & Amazon

Published 6 years ago in Amazon , Elon , Google , Intel - 0 Comments

It’s starting to feel like the Elon Musk “pile on” has begun.  It DEFINITELY happened for Intel’s Krzanich….oops!

We also discuss:
Amazon is Stacking Whole Foods with execs to weave into Bezos broader vision
TPU’s for rent at Google

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 37 – The Big Short’s Steve Eisman channels the Tech Fugitives.

Published 6 years ago in AI , Elon , Google , Microsoft , Security , Uncategorized - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Eisman bags on Crypto… makes someone’s day….guess who?

Mark also teases his groundbreaking overview of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing.

We also discuss:

Elon Makes excuses, but we agree with him.

Microsoft’s Nadella tries to earn our trust:

The Secrets to a better password.  Pro Tip: It’s not you’re boy/girlfriend’s dog’s birthday.

Big announcements from Google & Microsoft:

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]

Episode 33 – With a Booster Seat, Zuck Can Almost See Russia From Here

Published 6 years ago in Cisco , Facebook , Google , Government , Storage - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast. The Tech Fugitives also pile on China… even though they invented nanofilm thinner than Mark’s hair.

“Your user agreement SUCKS!”  Senator Kennedy of Louisiana criticized Facebook’s user agreement during a joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees.  Of course the only thing that sucks more than the FB user agreement, is the Senate’s lack of understanding of ANYTHING technical.

Also on the show:

Cisco bets big on 5G.

China invents massive storage platform….on NANOFILM!

China and Google…back together again.  Employees Silent!

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 31 – Blockchain is crap…and other Flat Earth Theories.

Published 6 years ago in AI , Blockchain , Google , Government , Uncategorized - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Make a bad comment about Blockchain…..and feel the wrath of Kyle!

CNBC runs a “Commentary” article about Blockchain flaws.  Kyle says “take crazy somewhere else”, while Mark looks for the nugget of truth.  Feelings are hurt, but we hug it out.

We also discuss:

How to lose your baby sitting job.

Google employees rage against the AI machine AND the Military Industrial Complex.

IoT’s distant thunders

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]
