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Episode 6 – HyperConverged & Chipsets

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  In today’s first segment Kyle and Mark revisit “HyperConverged” with Google and Nutanix on centerstage.  Will Google position themselves as a differentiator with bridging technologies?  In our second Segment …. AMD puffs their chest out, but if a chipset fell out of the cloud and into your forest would it make a sound?…. Would anyone care?

“Meatloaf”!?  Alexa/Russians, serving Propaganda Pie


Oh the irony of it all.  Citizens of the world are concerned about privacy, just ask every digital assistant and IOT device installed in our homes.  When you ask Alexa if she’s listening and she replies, “Da”…. you’ll know you’re in trouble.

The Fugitives explore Googles potential for differentiating in the market by partnering with HyperConverged platforms like Nutanix and Scale Computing.  It might be a great move, as long as they don’t try to run their AI experiment thru it….. BORING!

Remember when we cared about big releases of chipsets for our server farms?  Yeah, we forgot about that too…. Now about that PS5, is it 2019 yet?

We hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

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Episode 5 – Enterprises with Baggage

Published 6 years ago in Enterprise Transformation - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Today Kyle and Mark talk IT Enterprises with baggage.  Is moving off of the old and onto the new like labor pains?  How hard can it be….really?!  (Please don’t tell our wives we said that!).

Rowing in the same direction….It always ends well in the movies


Elon Musk brings the smackdown to Tesla stores.  Kyle and Mark discuss the importance of vision, clarity and leadership in making difficult transitions and setting the tone at your firm.  It does take some courage and a little bit of vulnerability to put yourself out there.  But it’s critical that your management team has all oars in the water and pulling in the same direction if you want to achieve “ramming speed”!


Is there a best approach to eating a whale?  It turns out there IS!  You don’t have to  run a Cutthroat Kitchen to serve this IT delicacy, but you might need to marinate it overnight before your Agile fibonnaci scores are tender.

The Fugitives take a look a some enabling technologies which might help you with your luggage.  Is Scale Computing’s HC3 Cloud Unity the porter you’ve been looking for?  Is this and similar offerings from Nutanix simply showing THEMSELVES the door.

We hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

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Episode 4 – Interview with Nasuni CEO, Andres Rodriguez

Published 6 years ago in Storage - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Today Kyle and Mark deliver on their promise to bring you in depth interviews with Storage Supplier Execs.  Under the hot lamp for questioning today…. Andres Rodriguez, CEO of Nasuni.  Fresh off of a $38 Million dollar round of funding thru Goldman Sachs,  Andres is clear on his vision and what’s happening in Storage.

Life is Good, When you’re The Most Interesting Man in Storage…

Andres has done more than turn a glass of wine into a beer.  He’s turned his vast experience from the NY Times and elsewhere into a powerhouse storage company.  Consider these highlights:

  • Philosophy has roots from Akamai
  • New approach to iNode structures
  • Kyle has WAFS and Legend of Voltron flashbacks
  • Andres makes bold stability claims…forces The Fugitives to invoke required sacrifices to Problem Management gods.

Finally, Andres’ answer to Mark….No, Nasuni is NOT just the next hill to die on.  You should be dying to listen to The Tech Fugitives, so get started now.

We hope you’ll have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!

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Episode 3 – The Russians are coming, with a FB account and wad of cash

Published 6 years ago in Uncategorized - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Today Kyle and Mark talk about “Cleaners”, Sharks, Horses, and Pigs, well Bacon….but you get the idea.  Everything tastes better when it’s wrapped in bacon…You’ll see!

Snatch was wrong…It wasn’t zee Germans.  It was zee Russians & Zuck!


Now $100 Thousand Dollars is a LOT of money.   But if you’re a Russian intelligence arm, $100K and 470 fake Facebook accounts can stir up a lot of trouble.  Kyle and Mark stir this pot and sprinkle in a sitting US Senator, Russian “Security Software” and a large brick & mortar retailer.  Let it simmer, then serve.


The Tech Fugitives also check their credit score at Equifax and discover that we recently purchased land in the Florida Keys and transferred our combined wealth to a Nigerian Prince.  It’s cool though, we’re going to get that money back seven fold!  Despite our good fortune, we will still pick apart the slow response of Equifax after the recent hack.

In a show of good will, The Fugitives provide new marketing strategies to Oracle.  In light of the recent lawsuit brought to them for screwing their sales associates, Kyle and Mark guide Ellison to rock solid strategies for success that don’t involve sucking the livelihood from his staff.

Finally, If you’re wondering what Cloud Computing and Horse Racing have in common….You’ve come to the right place.  Frankly, if you’re with the Tech Fugitives, you’re DEFINITELY in the right place!

We hope you’ll have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!

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Episode 2 – The buffet: All you can eat Oracle, China, OpenStack and Rockets….Let’s blow up Rockets!

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Today Kyle and Mark talk about exploding rockets, exploding technologies and imploding companies….and of course how it all ties back to The Game of Thrones

The Lannisters…They always pay their debts, but to Oracle?

If the House of Targaryen had a Mad King, Mark wonders if it’s simply because the Seven Kingdom’s IT is too heavily invested in Solaris.  You might be pissed too.  Certainly the 2500 infrastructure employees being let go at Oracle might wish they had a dragon or two.  Nonetheless, Kyle straightens it all out with his wisdom from The Citadel.

The Tech Fugitives also paddle the murky waters of China’s new demand to have access to source code for “security reasons”.  Also,  Amazon…. the cool hill to die on….or…I’m sorry, did you say OpenStack?  Well, It’s your Enterprise….paint yourself into any corner you like.  You should feel free to pick the color

No show is complete without some Elon Musk talk.  But this time, Elon is not just all talk.  He’s blown up rockets, costing hundreds of millions of dollars in investment.  Lesser people might be humbled by this type of failure.  But if you’re Elon Musk, let’s just produce a Rocket Explosion Blooper Video and have a good laugh.

We hope you’ll have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!

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Episode 1 – Enterprise Storage Landscape Discussion

Published 6 years ago in Storage - 0 Comments
Image of a confused llama and a landscape behind it surrounded by pictures of storage technologies around it

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Today Kyle and Mark take a look at the confusing landscape of Enterprise Storage.  There are so many technology and locality options, but are suppliers doing a good enough job helping navigate these waters?  The answer….NO!!  But the TechFugitives are here to sort this out and prepare our listeners for future interviews with Industry experts.  We’re going to cover topics like data protection, dark data, and more, so STAY  TUNED!

Dark data…It’s not just for Data Scientists anymore!                               

Picture of a cemetery with a computer and flowers in front of it

Will hard disk drives and tape move on like CRT monitors?

If you think data analytics is hot, just wait until your business customers start “sprawling” their junk all over the cloud, or your data warehouses…..or your cloud data warehouses.  Kyle covers the dangers of data sprawl and the gravity that it encompasses.  Mark chimes in with his own views regarding chain of ownership and the potential compliance and regulatory risks.  There might be an unfortunate reference to Anthony Weiner and Data Sprawl… explanation necessary.

Never to be left on the back burner, the Tech Fugitives also give data protection it’s due.  Data Protection in the future will (and needs to) change dramatically.  Will Enterprises embrace their options, drive down their costs and improve their services.  Perhaps understanding their options will help, but for now, the jury is still out.

Thanks for tuning in.  Stay tuned for our future episodes where we will be interviewing industry experts on both the supplier and Enterprise IT sides of the topic.

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Episode 0 – Elon Musk Wants AI Regulation

Published 7 years ago in AI - 0 Comments
Image of Elon Musk and the T2000 from The Terminator Movie

The First Episode of the Tech Fugitives Show!

Image meme of Boromir from Lord of the Rings saying "One does not simply start a podcast"

Welcome to the first episode of the Tech Fugitive's show with Mark Tierney and Kyle Scarmardo! Elon Musk is in the news again, but this time about AI.  Hear them discuss how he wants government to step in and regulate it before it goes too far.  Elon Musk believes AI could manipulate information and cause riots or even war.  He's not alone either, Stephen Hawking has also warned about this as well.  He believes regulation is needed to prevent investors from pushing for functionality that could bring about harm.  Elon Musk says we need a level playing field for everyone in the game to manage this situation.  The Tech Fugitives discuss how this could happen.  They also discuss how Elon was almost killed by AI over a chicken dinner.  Don't try to take a T2000's fried chicken.  As always, the Tech Fugitives discuss the implications to the enterprise IT space.

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Elon fights a T2000 over fried chicken!

Image of Elon Musk and the T2000 from The Terminator Movie

We consider how the recent fake new situations could lend truth to Elon's position.  In our society we see violent emotional reactions to news regularly.  What if AI decides the right course of action is to manipulate information to get rid of a specific group of people?  Hawking has a great quote about ant piles that speaks to this.  Of course, this episode would not be complete without robot movie quotes.  Directive four from Robocop!  Mark expresses concerns about dating AI robots in the workspace.  Kyle mentions how urine tests won't be good enough when hiring in the future.  AI will fix the damage fried foods are causing to our bodies.

Will regulation be the answer?  Listen to hear our position.  Thanks for tuning in.  Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.

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