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Episode 38 – How to be in a “Super Position” of good ideas and bad ideas simultaneously.

Welcome back to The Tech Fugitives Show… Where your significant other is neither happy or mad at you…until you are observed….It’s called Super Position.

If you think The Tech Fugitives take on Quantum is amazing, then there’s a good chance China will reduce your “Social Credit Score”.  China moves to install 400 million MORE cameras by 2020 to observe its citizens behavior, score it and then dole out consequences.  Well….Those people prolly didn’t want to travel or buy property anyway.

We also discuss:

China’s Surveillance of its citizenry:


Continuous Experimentation & Learning:



Zuckerberg just says NO to the Queen:



Episode 36 – Tech Fugitive Fan Hacks Someone Out Of Jail… Almost.

Published 6 years ago in Akamai , Cybercrime , Facebook , Pivotal , Security , Whatsapp - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  When your BFF doesn’t get locked up with you, the next best thing is to use computer hacking skills to bust you out!

In addition to Prison (and security) breaches…today The Tech Fugitives bring you more China lunacy.  Their latest victim… Peppa the Pig, Thug life!

We also discuss:

Zuck’s now in trouble in the UK.

Whatsapp founder leaves FB.

Pivitol goes public.

Akamai beats the street.

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 33 – With a Booster Seat, Zuck Can Almost See Russia From Here

Published 6 years ago in Cisco , Facebook , Google , Government , Storage - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast. The Tech Fugitives also pile on China… even though they invented nanofilm thinner than Mark’s hair.

“Your user agreement SUCKS!”  Senator Kennedy of Louisiana criticized Facebook’s user agreement during a joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees.  Of course the only thing that sucks more than the FB user agreement, is the Senate’s lack of understanding of ANYTHING technical.

Also on the show:

Cisco bets big on 5G.

China invents massive storage platform….on NANOFILM!

China and Google…back together again.  Employees Silent!

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 30 – Don’t let your Technical Debt leave you Emotionally Bankrupt!

Published 6 years ago in Agile , Facebook , IoT , Microsoft - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Did you take out a second mortgage on your Cobal code so you could fix your plumbing?

Long standing enterprises are wrought with baggage.  Some of that baggage has so much technical debt that it might just be easier to move.  Listen to reason and listen to the Tech Fugitives help you spot your technical debt and what to do about it!

We also discuss:

How deep does this hole go?….and other Zuckerberg musings.

Dropbox’s sweaty wad and their future….according to Mark!

Meltdown & Spectre….the dumbest, most useless bugs to never be solved.

Microsoft has so much money for IoT, they don’t know where to put it all.


Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 29 – The Government, Amazon Cloud & Facebook…. They’re all just here to help!

Published 6 years ago in Amazon , AWS , Cisco , Facebook , Government , Storage - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast, where we just invented cameras specifically designed to watch your phones & XBox.

The Government is here to help…of course.  But just to be sure, we’ll have Amazon and Facebook get involved just to keep the Government in check!

Jeff Bezos is now in charge of House Griffendorf.

Cisco Disaggregates their software from Hardware.

Also: GoDaddy moves to AWS, Microsoft opens AI training….and uh…. Africa is splitting in two!

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 22 – Brought to you by China, the letter “N” and Winnie the Pooh.

Published 6 years ago in AI , Cybercrime , Facebook , Security - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  When China bans the letter “N”, they become…you know… “Chia”.  It’s just a pet name.

When China locks down speech, they don’t mess around.  They go right after seditious concepts….like Winnie the Poo, uh…. and the Letter “N”.  I don’t think President XI could get his nose caught in a honey jar, but he’s trying …. hard!  We don’t see the likeness…really!

We also talk:

Watson Goes to Space:

Predictive Policing….YIKES: Goes to 

Quantum Computing Dev Kits from Microsoft:

…And so much more!

Listen, Learn and laugh while finding out how you too can care about the world…Just like The Tech Fugitives.

Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]
