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Episode 16 – Containers….The Tech Fugitives discuss the value to hype ratio

Published 6 years ago in Apps , Containers - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  The right package for a Tesla is obviously a SpaceX rocket, but please put your apps in Containers.

Do you understand containers?  Do you REALLY understand containers?  We’re here to help.

The Tech Fugitives explain what containers are, as well as discuss the value of deploying containers into your enterprise.  But with all the hype, what’s the actual footprint of containers in the universe today?  Why isn’t it bigger and where is this technology heading.

As you might expect, fortunes are being made and lost…..Open Source container player sells for $250 million?!?!?!  What!!!  NICE!


Hope you enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 15 – The Cybersecurity Awareness Project, Eliot Leibowitz Interview

Published 6 years ago in Security - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  It’s possible that being  wary of emails from random Nigerian Princes may not be enough.


The Tech Fugitives Interview Eliot Leibowitz, an Expert in cybersecurity awareness..

There are so many dimensions and Cyberthreat vectors, we need to go deep.  Eliot has started the Cybersecurity Awareness Project, which provides a plethora of new things to worry about.  Investigate further at .

We’ll Also update you on some Equifax self love 🙂

Hope you enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 14 – CyberCrime…And Solar System Stuff

Published 6 years ago in Cybercrime , Security - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  You don’t need a Super Blood Moon to put you in orbit around The Tech Fugitives…but there it was!

The Tech Fugitives demand jail time for Cyber Criminals, may get locked up instead!

Look up and see the super blood moon, Pluto becoming a planet and….uh….the location of every soldier on the planet (if they’re wearing a fitbit)….sigh with defeat!

The Fugitives also discuss the staggering cost of Cyber Security mitigation and damages….seriously, you better sit down!

Hope you enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 13 – Agile & The Tech Fugitives Golden Ratio, {Mark : Kyle}

Published 6 years ago in Uncategorized - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  If you line up all your Fibonacci numbers in a row, it proves The Tech Fugitives are AWESOME!

The Tech Fugitives explore Agile “Do’s and Don’ts” with expert Andrew McKnight of Matrix Resources.

If you’re “doing agile”…. you’re doing it wrong.  Agile Warrior and Marine, Andrew McKnight mixes it up with the Tech Fugitives and shares what’s happening out in the wild.  When it comes to Agile, there’s a right way and a wrong way.  Andy gets it right!

Hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.  Send us email with comments and feedback at [email protected]


Episode 12 – Don’t have a MELTDOWN, it’s just SPECTRE

Published 7 years ago in Uncategorized - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  You don’t have to be James Bond to deal with Spectre…..But it doesn’t hurt

The Tech Fugitives do some G-2 on chips.  What do Intel, AMD and NVIDIA have in common?  They will all be crushed by China….Just Ask China!  Hey, Maybe Jack Ma is Spectre?!?!



It shouldn’t take a “Double 0” to get to the bottom of what’s going on in the compute space….but when you’re a Tech Fugitives fan, you get the best.  Your favorite agents will also discuss GoPro’s latest feature: Drones that fall out of the sky!

Hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends …. tell all your enemies:  Tech Talk does NOT have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.


Episode 11- Artificial Intelligence, “Pure” Expert Review

Published 7 years ago in AI , Chipsets , Storage - 2 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Mark & Kyle have played with the AI topic…This time we’re not kidding around…well….uh….too much.

The Tech Fugitives explore Artificial intelligence with Roy Kim, an expert and product lead from Pure Storage.


There’s nothing more fun than talking about killer apps and killer robots, but the serious side of AI is so compelling that the Fugitives have brought in a real expert.  Roy Kim, with Pure Storage, helps us explore the technical and philosophical side of AI.  This is NOT just a Storage discussion, so open your hearts and open your minds to The Tech Fugitives

Hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.


Episode 10 – Intent Based Networking

Published 7 years ago in Network - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Software Defined vs Intent Based Networking…What’s the difference REALLY?!  Mark & Kyle  break it down.

Where are you with Software Defined Networking?  Should your proprietary hardware die a proper Viking death…. push off, Lief!


There’s a strong argument that Intent Based Networking is just the next iteration of Software Defined….with an AI wrapper.  Mark and Kyle discuss the marketing and the reality of intent based networking.  What is it and where is it going?  We should be asking this question about EVERYTHING that gets retooled or reinvented with AI.

Hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.


Episode 9 – Serverless Computing, You HAVE to listen to this episode!

Published 7 years ago in FaaS , Serverless - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Kyle and Mark talk Serverless computing like NO ONE else can!

Still referring to your Infrastructure as “My Precious”?  Time to Embrace FaaS!!!

The Hypers have delivered the next step in technical abstraction in support of your real business needs….it’s FUNCTIONS.  The Tech Fugitives do a compare and contrast of the different offerings, as well as some of the risks.

Roll out the Red Carpet….We have another BACON WRAP AWARD WINNER…and it’s everything you would expect; Yummy and disappointing 😉



Today’s episode is brought to you by Disrupt or Die: What the World Needs to Learn from Silicon Valley to Survive the Digital Era .

Delphix Founder and Author, Jedidiah Yeuh, provides the innovation playbook you need transform your business.

Hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.


Episode 8 – Interview with Infinidat CTO, Brian Carmody

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  Kyle and Mark talk Enterprise Storage with Infinidat CTO, Brian Carmody.

Exa, Zeta, Yottabytes of data to store?  You’re gonna need a bigger boat.

So the CIO tells you to stand up a storage solution that will hold all of the data in the universe.  Wait…did He say universe or multi-verse?  Size does matter.

Infinidat CTO, Brian Carmody, talks mission, disruption and Reptilians from Alpha Draconis…Hey, they have storage needs too.



Today’s episode is brought to you by Disrupt or Die: What the World Needs to Learn from Silicon Valley to Survive the Digital Era .

Delphix Founder and Author, Jedidiah Yeuh, provides the innovation playbook you need transform your business.

Hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.


Episode 7 – Interview With Delphix founder and author of “Disrupt or Die”, Jedidiah Yueh.

Published 7 years ago in Enterprise Transformation - 0 Comments

Welcome back to the Tech Fugitives podcast.  On today’s show Kyle and Mark talk “Enterprise Transformation” with tech powerhouse, Jedidiah Yueh.  Jed is the founder of Delphix, the market leader in DataOps, and Author of Disrupt or Die: What the World Needs to Learn from Silicon Valley to Survive the Digital Era .

Zuckerberg wrote Facebook in a week to meet girls, Enterprises can’t buy a software PACKAGE  and get to market inside of 12 months.


Why do “Enterprises with Baggage” lag behind.  Why isn’t that called “laggage”?  Jed helps The Tech Fugitives deconstruct the processes and cultures that cause this phenomenon.

There are no punches pulled in this show.  Jed tells it like it is.  If you are a CEO, you should listen to this interview, buy Jed’s book and get busy digitally transforming your company!

We hope you’ll enjoy the insights and have a good laugh with us!  Thanks for giving us a listen!  Tell all your friends:  Tech Talk does not have to SUCK!

Please subscribe and give us a five star rating if you found value in this.
